Tuesday, October 23, 2012

20th Century Industries and Business

I chose Germany's 20th century business and industries with focus on the economy. I chose this topic because I would possibly like to work internationally in Germany someday. The previous group did a good job explaining what it is like earlier in the 20th century, but I wanted to know about today's economy.

Previous Presenters:
    David Colbert

What type of transportation is used?
  • Because Germnay is in the very middle of Eurpoe, Germany's transportation is essential to getting around to various places. Germany has established polycentric network of high speed tran systems. The InterCityExpress is the most advanced. Germanies largest airports are in The southern portion of Germnay, in Frankfurt and Munich. Talking about transportation in Germnay we cannot forget the autobahn.
What is the autobahn and why is it so famous?
  • The autobahn is also called "federal express ways". The German autobahns have no speed limit but the advised speed limit is 130 kilometres per hour or 81 miles per hour. The autobahn which is ranked fourth in the longest highway system. It is follwed by The China, United States, and Spain.
Germany and its Energy
  • Germnay is the fifth largest consumer of energy. Two-thirds of its primary energy was importing, however, in 2002. The Germna government policy promotes the development of renewable resources, such as solar,wind, biomass, hydroelectic and geothermal. Since the 1970's this has been improving. The government has set goals to meet half the countries energy demands from renewable sources by 2050.
  • Germnany comes in third, after the United States and Japan when it comes to patents, but the leader amongst Europe. Somes companies you may be familiar with that have large amounts of patents are Siemens, Bosch, and BASF. While Siemens is focused on industry, energy, transportation and healthcare, Bosch is mainly focused on the automotive section including many other products.

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